Are they afraid of something I wonder.

Why do some people find it necessary to bait and try to trap Christians ? I moderate on a Christian forum and I haven’t got enough fingers on my hands to count the number of times we have a new member who starts off with the old, tiresome cliché,

” Hi there 🙂 I don’t know much about Christianity, only what I learnt at school, but I would sure like to find out a little more and maybe learn what makes you tick 🙂 “

Oh Lord, does my nose start twitching and the twitch is usually spot on 🙂

Have one at the moment who apparently knows nothing about Christianity, only what he/she ( I suspect it’s a she ) learnt at school. Yet low and behold, he/she has read the Bible.

Like WOWNESS, that must have been some kind of school ! 🙂

Now I don’t know about you lot but 66 books of the Bible were on the syllabus when you were at school ? That’s some awesome Religious education department you had going there 🙂  Did you manage to cram anything else into your education ?

This person obviously didn’t. Because this person, who knows nothing about Christianity,  except what he/she learnt at school, seems to be quite well versed in Jewish culture and their thoughts and reactions to Jesus.

That’s some ” normal ” religious education eh ?

Trying to hide the fact that you know very much more than you let on is very difficult. It’s rather akin to Mozart trying to play the piano like Liberace.

They must think they are so intelligent that they can fool very well versed people on Scripture. People who have not only ” read ” huge chunks of Scripture but have also studied it. Study and read are two completely different things. Reading is reading. Studying is dissecting. Even the greatest theologians in the world could take a life time studying these 66 books and not have a hope in hell of ever finishing it.

So when I see someone say they know nothing about the Bible or Christianity, except what they learnt at school, and they let slip a few things that they ” really ” wouldn’t know from a ” normal ” school education, my nose does more than twitch then, it waggles back and fore like a rabid rottweiler.

Another thing that sets my senses going with these people who ” know nothing ” is the ” I don’t want to upset you, but,,, ” line.

Do they think I came down in yesterdays shower and I don’t know that that line speaks volumes to me, and tells me that they have had a little more experience with Christians and Christianity than just a ” normal ” school education ?

It tells me that this person has had more dealings with Christians than they are letting on and has very much upset Christians in the past. I suspect, if this is the way they have gone about it, quite deliberately.

My question is, why ? Why do so many unbelievers seem to be a little more upset about what I believe, than what they don’t believe ? I really, really, don’t give a donkey’s doda what they believe. Or should I say, don’t believe.

Yes, it would be awesome if I could witness to an unbeliever and he/she came to Christ ( ya know, the one sheep being found and all that jazz ) but it’s no skin off my nose if they don’t. I can’t make someone believe. Flipping eck, it’s hard enough going for ” me ” to have faith and trust in something I can’t see. I haven’t got enough for someone else ! But just because I can’t see Him and find Christianity not the easy option, doesn’t mean to say I doubt He’s there.

All that means is, yeah, I find things difficult just like you. I find His ways diffuclt to understand, but If I understood Him, he wouldn’t ” be ” God.

Nonetheless, if it’s what I believe, why do they think they can change my mind easier than I can change theirs ? If you believe something, you believe it, end of ! Who is anyone to say to me, when I tell them what I believe, ” Um, no you don’t cos there is no God “.

How would you feel if you told me ” Oooerr, my back is hurting today, I believe I have a slipped disc ya know “, and I said, ” No it’s not ! It’s all in ya mind. And don’t be so daft for thinking that ! “


” I have a headache “

” No you don’t “

” Um, yes, I believe I do ” 🙂

“Well ya daft then ! “

And yes, yes, I know a headache or backache you can feel but it’s only real to ” you “, it’s not real to me. And you try telling a Christian he/she can’t feel the presence of Christ in their lives. For a Christian, His presence is just as real as your headache.

I can’t see your headache can I ? 🙂

When you tell people you have a headache, do you generally find yourself having a huge debate about it with people trying to prove you wrong, or is your word generally taken as being so ?

I really would rather unbelievers came onto the forum and said, ” Look you daft lot of crack pots. There aint no God. He’s just a delusion in ya stupid messed up heads ! “.

I can deal with that. I can even understand it. I can deal with it in several ways I can try to convince. I can debate but agree to disagree. I can do what Christ said and ” If no-one shall listen, wipe the dust from your feet “. Or, I could simply say, ” I’m a Christian, deal with it or bog off “.

What I do find tiresome and very hard to deal with, are the baiters and trappers, deceiving and lying their way in, in a deliberate attempt to lay traps and take the piss out of us while they are doing it.

Makes me wonder if they are afraid of something.

About Welshtabby.

Mother, Grandmother, 21 and a bit ( but the " bit " is my business ) and general causer of havoc.
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8 Responses to Are they afraid of something I wonder.

  1. Welshtabby. says:

    He’s no Christian Jess. Don’t ya just love these who claim persecution ? I see no axe coming 🙂

  2. Jake says:

    I know exactly what you mean. I have been participating in Religion forums for years now and have come across all sorts. My favourite board, which is unforuntately non-moderated, was destroyed not by an athiest in innocent’s clothing but by a US Christian who deemed his way the only way. He is a horrid piece of work who hides behind ‘persecuted in my name’ scripture. He has accussed me of all sorts – I am not a saved Christian in his opinion – to the point that I had to place him on ignore.

    Whatever side of the fence someone is one, the truth is that we cannot properly judge another’s experience because we haven’t had it. Christ is as real to me as you are. For someone to dismiss my beliefs as being daft is to short-change not only me, but themselves. In the same light, to dismiss someone who sought Christ but didn’t find him as ‘not doing it right’ is equally as wrong. I believe there is a reason for everything when we allow it. This is how we grow and learn.

  3. David McKibben says:

    I know the people who challenge Christianity. They are everywhere. I can’t prove my beliefs. I can’t touch them and let them know what is going on inside me.
    But I do understand their challenging it. Because there are folks, at least here in the US, who want everyone to think and believe exactly the same way they do. They believe they have the answers, the proper interpretations of the Bible. I am often intrigued by their ability to dredge up a single sentence from the Bible’s 66 chapters, to prove that they are right and every one else is wrong.
    I am what the conservative fundamental Christians would call an extremely Radical Christian. I am wrong, and they are right. I belong to a church that accepts everyone , and doesn’t try to change them. Whose basic philosophy is the love of God, through prayer and meditation.
    God is with me, whatever I do, wherever I go. God surrounds you, and is within me.
    Have an incredible day, my fine Welsh Tabby.

  4. kate58 says:

    You’re spot on with this post, lovely! 😀

  5. Welshtabby. says:

    You are far from stupid Robin. But at least you and Sarah never talk to me like I am stupid. We have a mutal respect for each others beliefs.

  6. ayrgael says:

    Actually I think the problem is that they’re not afraid of anything.
    It is very hard to enforce any kind of discipline on a website.
    I was involved in the moderation of two websites (nothing particulkarly Christian about either of them though some of the troublemakers liked to hide behind a cross) both of which suffered the same.

    There are a small clique of people out there who like to make trouble – it is their idea of a good night out to go ‘stir up’ a site. They get to know everyone, often cry a weakness or illness for sympathy then as they get to know people they start picking on folk, those they judge are weakest; especially those for whom the forum represents real support and friendship.

    They are passive/aggressive bullies and expert at making themselves appear to be ‘victims’ often with several ID’s on one site. They represent a real dilemma for moderators. You can bar them and block an IP address but they are soon back again with a different one – like the hydra you cut off one head they grow three. In my own case they cost me several good friends and my marriage and twisted my words to the point that the website’s boss had truly been led to believe I ‘hated’ him which could never be the case. The very best way to deal with is send them to coventry – not pay them the attention they crave and ignore them to the point they get bored and give up the game, becasue it is their absolute joy and pinnacle of success should you happen to compromise your personal values in the process of standing them off by failing to ‘turn the other cheek’

  7. Tigrx says:

    ” …i don’t know much about Christianity but i know what i like …..” LOL.
    I will Never debate this with you ,i ain’t that stupid i know when i am beat !!!! LMAO 🙂

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